Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
< prev
Text File
1,441 lines
; F1GP-Ed Install Script - Copyright © 1994-1997 Oliver Roberts
; $VER: Install_F1GP-Ed 4.24 (30.9.97)
; - German translation by Dirk Kocherscheidt
; - French translation by Daniel Grenson
; Distribution Parameters
(set #frenchdocexists 0)
; English strings
(set #str-installtype
"Choose installation:"
(set #str-hd
"Hard disk installation"
(set #str-floppy
"Floppy disk installation"
(set #str-help-installtype (cat
"F1GP-Ed is best installed to a hard drive. If you don't have "
"one, then select floppy disk and this installer will install "
"F1GP-Ed to floppy disk instead.")
(set #str-hdconfirm (cat
"Make sure you have booted from your hard drive, before "
"continuing with this installation!\n\nDo you want to continue?")
(set #str-floppyconfirm (cat
"Make sure you have a blank formatted disk ready. Refer to "
"the Workbench manual if you are unsure how to format a disk.\n\n"
"Do you want to continue?")
(set #str-diskwarn (cat
"IMPORTANT: If you are running this installer off a floppy disk, "
"please make sure the disk is write-protected before proceeding.\n\n"
"Please be aware that a full installation won't fit on a single DD "
"floppy disk, so it's best to only choose one language for the "
"documentation, and only the relevant locale catalog.")
(set #str-diskinsertnew
"Please insert a blank formatted disk in drive DF%ld:"
(set #str-diskremove
"You should now remove this disk and mark it as the %s disk."
(set #str-diskrename1
"main F1GP-Ed"
(set #str-diskanydrive (cat
"From now on you may insert this disk in any drive when requested "
"(i.e. not just the internal drive).")
(set #str-diskinsert
"Please insert the %s disk in any drive"
(set #str-copy
"Copying files to %s"
(set #str-tmpcopy
"Copying files to temporary directory"
(set #str-tmpclean
"Cleaning temporary directory"
(set #str-hdwhere
"Select where F1GP-Ed should be installed (a drawer called \"F1GP-Ed\" will be created)"
(set #str-fileexists (cat
"Could not create the \"F1GP-Ed\" drawer - make sure there are "
"no files called \"F1GP-Ed\" in the destination you selected.\n\n\n"
"Installation Failed!")
(set #str-drawerexists (cat
"The F1GP-Ed drawer already exists. It will be renamed "
"to \"F1GP-Ed_OLD\" if you want to keep any of the files "
"in it, otherwise all files will be deleted/replaced.")
(set #str-replacedrawer
"Replace drawer"
(set #str-renamedrawer
"Rename drawer"
(set #str-extract
"Unpacking files - this may take a while..."
(set #str-whichdocs
"Install documentation for which languages?"
(set #str-helplanguage
"Which language should be used for on-line help?"
(set #str-help-helplanguage (cat
"You should select your preferred language from the list so that "
"F1GP-Ed knows which version of the documentation to use for "
"the on-line help feature. This is done by modifying the "
"HELPFILE tooltype in the F1GP-Ed program icon.")
(set #str-whichcatalogs
"Install which catalogs? (english is built-in)"
(set #str-help-whichcatalogs (cat
"If you have Workbench 2.1 or higher, F1GP-Ed will be able to "
"make use of locale catalogs. This means that the strings in "
"F1GP-Ed itself can be in a different language.\n\n"
"Selected catalogs will be installed in the F1GP-Ed drawer.")
(set #str-confirmoptional
"Please select which of these you'd like to install"
(set #str-seasondata
"%ld season data"
(set #str-soundfiles
"Replacement sound samples (%s drawer)"
(set #str-gfxfiles
"Replacement cockpit designs (%s drawer)"
(set #str-extrafiles
"Miscellaneous F1GP stuff (%s drawer)"
(set #str-update
"Installing newer version of %s"
(set #str-exe
"F1GP-Ed executable"
(set #str-iconfix
"Setting icon tools and tooltypes"
(set #str-floppyextras
"Copying extra files required for autobooting disk"
(set #str-theend (cat
"\nEnjoy using F1GP-Ed ;-)\n\n"
"The latest version of F1GP-Ed is always available from the "
"F1GP-Ed Web Page - %s\n\n%s\n")
(set #str-tmpstorage (cat
"Select an area to use as temporary storage. A drawer called \"%s\" "
"will be created there, and will be deleted when installation has "
"been completed. The default is usually sufficient.")
(set #str-prepdisk
"Preparing floppy disk"
(set #str-bootfloppyend (cat
"F1GP-Ed disk created. You should now be able to boot directly "
"from the disk after this installer has exited.")
(set #str-intdrive
"internal drive"
(set #str-selectfloppydrive (cat
"Select a valid floppy disk drive - this will be the drive that "
"will be used to initialize your blank disk. Unless your internal "
"drive is broken, it's probably best to go along with the default...")
; German strings
(if (= @language "deutsch") (
(set #str-installtype
"Wählen Sie die Art der Installation:"
(set #str-hd
"Festplatten Installation"
(set #str-floppy
"Floppy Disk Installation"
(set #str-help-installtype (cat
"F1GP-Ed wird am besten auf die Festplatte installiert. Wenn "
"Sie keine haben, dann wählen Sie Floppy Disk und der Installer "
"wird F1GP-Ed statt dessen auf Diskette installieren.")
(set #str-hdconfirm (cat
"Versichern Sie sich, daß Sie von Ihrer Festplatte gebootet haben, "
"bevor Sie mit dieser Installation fortfahren!\n\nMöchten Sie fortfahren?")
(set #str-floppyconfirm (cat
"Denken Sie daran, eine formatierte Leerdiskette bereit zu haben. "
"Schlagen Sie in Ihrem Workbench Handbuch nach, wenn Sie nicht genau "
"wissen wie man eine Diskette formatiert.\n\n"
"Möchten Sie fortfahren?")
(set #str-diskwarn (cat
"WICHTIG: Wenn Sie diesen Installer von Diskette laufen lassen, "
"dann überzeugen Sie sich, daß die Diskette schreibgeschützt ist, "
"bevor Sie fortfahren.\n\n Bitte denken Sie daran, daß die komplette "
"Installation nicht auf eine einzige DD Diskette paßt; es ist also am "
"besten, wenn Sie nur eine Sprache für die Dokumentation und nur den "
"für Sie relevanten Locale Catalog wählen.")
(set #str-diskinsertnew
"Bitte legen Sie eine formatierte Leerdiskette in Laufwerk DF%ld: ein"
(set #str-diskremove
"Sie sollten diese Diskette jetzt entfernen und als %s Diskette beschriften."
(set #str-diskrename1
"F1GP-Ed Haupt -"
(set #str-diskanydrive (cat
"Von jetzt an können Sie die Diskette in jedes beliebige Laufwerk "
"einlegen (d.h. nicht nur ins interne Laufwerk).")
(set #str-diskinsert
"Bitte legen Sie die %s Diskette in ein beliebiges Laufwerk"
(set #str-copy
"Kopiere Dateien nach %s"
(set #str-tmpcopy
"Kopiere temporär benötigte Dateien in temporäres Verzeichnis"
(set #str-tmpclean
"Säubere temporäres Verzeichnis"
(set #str-hdwhere (cat
"Wählen Sie, wo F1GP-Ed installiert werden soll (ein Verzeichnis namens "
"\"F1GP-Ed\" wird dort angelegt)")
(set #str-fileexists (cat
"Konnte das Verzeichnis \"F1GP-Ed\" nicht anlegen - überzeugen Sie sich, daß "
"keine Dateien namens \"F1GP-Ed\" in Ihrem gewählten Ziel sind.\n\n\n"
"Installation fehlgeschlagen!")
(set #str-drawerexists (cat
"Das F1GP-Ed Verzeichnis existiert bereits. Es wird in \"F1GP-Ed_OLD\" "
"umbenannt, wenn Sie irgendwelche Dateien daraus behalten wollen, "
"anderenfalls werden alle Dateien gelöscht/ersetzt.")
(set #str-replacedrawer
"Ersetze Verzeichnis"
(set #str-renamedrawer
"Benenne Verzeichnis um"
(set #str-extract
"Entpacke Dateien - das kann eine Weile dauern..."
(set #str-whichdocs
"In welchen Sprachen soll die Dokumentation installiert werden?"
(set #str-helplanguage
"Welche Sprache soll für die on-line Hilfe benutzt werden?"
(set #str-help-helplanguage (cat
"Sie sollten aus dieser Liste Ihre bevorzugte Sprache auswählen, so daß "
"F1GP-Ed weiß, welche Version der Dokumentation für das on-line Hilfe "
"Feature benutzt werden soll. Dies wird gemacht, indem das HELPFILE "
"Tooltype im F1GP-Ed Programm Icon verändert wird.")
(set #str-whichcatalogs
"Welche Cataloge sollen installiert werden? (Englisch ist schon eingebaut)"
(set #str-help-whichcatalogs (cat
"Wenn Sie Workbench 2.1 oder höher haben, ist F1GP-Ed in der Lage "
"Locale Catalogs zu benutzen. Das bedeutet, daß die Texte in F1GP-Ed selbst, "
"in verschiedenen Sprachen sein können.\n\n"
"Ausgewählte Cataloge werden ins F1GP-Ed Verzeichnis installiert.")
(set #str-confirmoptional
"Bitte wählen Sie, was Sie hiervon installieren möchten"
(set #str-seasondata
"%lder Saison Daten"
(set #str-soundfiles
"Ersatz Sound-Samples (%s Verzeichnis)"
(set #str-gfxfiles
"Ersatz Cockpit-Designs (%s Verzeichnis)"
(set #str-extrafiles
"Verschiedenes F1GP Zeug (%s Verzeichnis)"
(set #str-update
"Installiere neue Version der %s"
(set #str-exe
"ausführbaren F1GP-Ed Datei"
(set #str-iconfix
"Setze Icon Tools und Tooltypes"
(set #str-floppyextras
"Kopiere extra Dateien, die für selbst-bootende Diskette benötigt werden"
(set #str-theend (cat
"\nViel Spaß beim Benutzen von F1GP-Ed ;-)\n\n"
"Die neueste Version von F1GP-Ed gibt es immer auf der F1GP-Ed Web Page "
"- %s\n\n%s\n")
(set #str-tmpstorage (cat
"Wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis, das als temporäres Verzeichnis benutzt "
"werden soll. Ein Verzeichnis namens \"%s\" wird dort angelegt und "
"nach der Installation wieder gelöscht. Die Vorgabe ist normalerweise "
(set #str-prepdisk
"Bereite Diskette vor"
(set #str-bootfloppyend (cat
"F1GP-Ed Diskette angelegt. Sie sollten nun direkt von der Diskette "
"booten können, nachdem der Installer beendet ist.")
(set #str-intdrive
"internes Laufwerk"
(set #str-selectfloppydrive (cat
"Wählen Sie ein gültiges Diskettenlaufwerk - dieses Laufwerk wird "
"benutzt, um Ihre Leerdiskette zu initialisieren. Sofern Ihr internes "
"Laufwerk nicht kaputt ist, ist es wohl am besten, Sie bleiben bei "
"der Voreinstellung...")
; French strings
(if (= @language "français") (
(set #str-installtype
"Choisissez le type d'installation:"
(set #str-hd
"Installation sur disque dur"
(set #str-floppy
"Installation sur disquette"
(set #str-help-installtype (cat
"Il est préférable d'installer F1GP-Ed sur disque dur. Si vous n'en "
"possédez pas, sélectionnez alors installation sur disquette, ce "
"qui sera fait alors par cet installeur.")
(set #str-hdconfirm (cat
"Assurez-vous d'avoir lancé votre ordinateur au départ du disque dur, "
"avant de continuer cette installation!\n\nVoulez-vous continuer?")
(set #str-floppyconfirm (cat
"Pensez à avoir une disquette vide et formatée à votre disposition. "
"Référez-vous au manuel du Workbench si vous ne savez pas comment "
"formater une disquette.\n\n"
"Voulez-vous continuer?")
(set #str-diskwarn (cat
"IMPORTANT: Si vous lancez cet installeur au départ d'une disquette, "
"s'il-vous plait, assurez-vous qu'elle est protégée contre l'écriture "
"avant de continuer.\n\n Soyez conscient que l'installation complète "
"ne peut tenir sur une simple disquette, il vaut donc mieux ne choisir "
"qu'une seule langue pour la documentation, et seulement le catalogue "
"locale utile.")
(set #str-diskinsertnew
"Insérez, s'il-vous plait, une disquette vide formatée dans le lecteur DF%ld:"
(set #str-diskremove
"Vous devriez retirer cette disquette maintenant et la renommer maintenent comme disquette %s."
(set #str-diskrename1
"main F1GP-Ed"
(set #str-diskanydrive (cat
"A partir d'ici, vous pouvez insérer cette disquette dans un lecteur "
"lorsque cela est demandé (C'est-à-dire pas seulement dans le lecteur "
(set #str-diskinsert
"Insérez, s'il-vous plait, la disquette %s dans un lecteur de votre choix"
(set #str-copy
"Copie des fichiers vers %s"
(set #str-tmpcopy
"Copie des fichiers vers un répertoire temporaire"
(set #str-tmpclean
"Effacement du répertoire temporaire"
(set #str-hdwhere (cat
"Sélectionnez l'endroit où F1GP-Ed devrait être installé (un tiroir appelé "
"\"F1GP-Ed\" sera créé)")
(set #str-fileexists (cat
"Impossible de créer le tiroir \"F1GP-Ed\" - assurez-vous qu'il n'y a pas "
"de fichier appelé \"F1GP-Ed\" dans la destination que vous avez sélectionnéein.\n\n\n"
"Echec de l'installation!")
(set #str-drawerexists (cat
"Le tiroir F1GP-Ed existe déja. Il sera renommé \"F1GP-Ed_OLD\" "
"si vous souhaitez conserver un des fichiers qui s'y trouve, autrement "
"tous les fichiers seront effacés/remplacés.")
(set #str-replacedrawer
"Remplacer le tiroir"
(set #str-renamedrawer
"Renommer le tiroir"
(set #str-extract
"Décompactage des données - cela peut durer un peu..."
(set #str-whichdocs
"Dans quelles langues doit être installée la documentation?"
(set #str-helplanguage
"Quelle langue devrait être utilisée pour l'aide en ligne?"
(set #str-help-helplanguage (cat
"Vous devriez sélectionnez votre langue préférée de la liste de manière "
"à ce que F1GP-Ed sache quelle version de la documentation utiliser "
"pour la caractéristique de l'aide en ligne. Ceci est réalisé par la "
"modification du type d'outil HELPFILE (Fichier d'aide) de l'icone "
"du programme F1GP-Ed.")
(set #str-whichcatalogs
"Quels catalogues souhaitez-vous installer? (L'anglais est déja incorporé)"
(set #str-help-whichcatalogs (cat
"Si vous possédez un Workbench 2.1 ou supérieur, F1GP-Ed sera capable "
"d'utiliser les catalogues Locale. Cela signifie que les textes de F1GP-Ed "
"lui-même, peuvent être dans différentes langues.\n\n"
"Les catalogues sélectionnés seront installés dans le tiroir F1GP-Ed.")
(set #str-confirmoptional
"Sélectionnez, s'il-vous plait, ce que vous souhaitez installer"
(set #str-seasondata
"%ld Données de cette saison"
(set #str-soundfiles
"Echantillons de sons de remplacement (%s tiroir)"
(set #str-gfxfiles
"Dessins de cockpit de remplacement (%s tiroir)"
(set #str-extrafiles
"Diverses choses à propos de/pour F1GP (%s tiroir)"
(set #str-update
"Installation de la nouvelle version de %s"
(set #str-exe
"Données du programme exécutable F1GP-Ed"
(set #str-iconfix
"Pose des icones outils et des types d'outil"
(set #str-floppyextras
"Copie des fichiers extras nécessaires pour disquette autoboot"
(set #str-theend (cat
"\nPrenez beaucoup de plaisir en utilisant F1GP-Ed ;-)\n\n"
"La dernière versiob de F1GP-Ed est disponible sur la page Web "
"- %s\n\n%s\n")
(set #str-tmpstorage (cat
"Sélectionnez l'endroit utilisé pour conserver momentanément les données. "
"Un tiroir appelé \"%s\" y sera créé et sera ensuite effacé lorsque "
"l'installation sera terminée. Le réglage par défaut est habituellement "
(set #str-prepdisk
"Préparez votre disquette"
(set #str-bootfloppyend (cat
"Disquette F1GP-Ed créée. Maintenant vous devriez pouvoir Booter "
"directement au départ de cette disquette après que cet installeur "
"ait terminé son activité.")
(set #str-intdrive
"lecteur de disquette interne"
; Initializations
(set #OSVersion (/ (getversion) 65536))
(set #TextTool (if (< #OSVersion 39) "AmigaGuide" "Multiview"))
(set #fromfloppy (exists "C/TestKS13"))
(set #tmpdir "F1GP-Ed_tmp")
(set #packed (exists "F1GP-Ed.lzx"))
(set #floppyassign "F1GP-Ed_newfloppy")
(set #numhelplanguages 3)
(set #numcatalogs 11)
(if (exists "ENV:Language" (noreq))
(set #envlanguage (getenv "Language"))
(set #envlanguage @language)
(set #n 0)
(set #defcatalog 0)
(while (< #n #numcatalogs)
(if (= #envlanguage (select #n "ÃeÓtina" "dansk" "deutsch" "español" "français" "greek" "italiano" "nederlands" "norsk" "suomi" "svenska"))
(set #defcatalog (shiftleft 1 #n))
(set #n (+ #n 1))
(set #freemem (+ (database "total-mem")))
(set #lowmem (< #freemem 1048576))
; Procedures
(procedure P_SetTextTool
(if (exists #TextFile)
(prompt #str-iconfix)
(setdefaulttool #TextTool)
(dest #TextFile)
(procedure P_CleanTmpDir
(if (exists #tmpdir)
(working #str-tmpclean)
(run ("\"%s\" \"%s\" ALL QUIET" #delete (tackon #tmpdir "files/#?")) (safe))
(procedure P_CleanTmpDirAll
(if (exists #tmpdir)
(delete (tackon #tmpdir "F1GP-Ed.lzx") (safe))
(delete (tackon #tmpdir "UNLZX") (safe))
(procedure P_AskForMainDisk
(if #tofloppy
(prompt (#str-diskinsert #str-diskrename1))
(help @askdisk-help)
(dest "F1GP-Ed")
(procedure P_AskForInstallDisk
(if (AND #tofloppy #fromfloppy)
(prompt (#str-diskinsert "F1GP-Ed_Install"))
(help @askdisk-help)
(dest "F1GP-Ed_Install")
(procedure P_Extract
(if #packed
(if #lowmem (P_AskForInstallDisk))
(working #str-extract)
(run ("\"%s\" -m x \"%s\" %s \"%s\"" #lzx (tackon #srcdir "F1GP-Ed.lzx") #extract (tackon #tmpdir "files/")) (safe))
(if #lowmem (P_AskForMainDisk))
(procedure P_CleanUp
(if (exists #tmpdir)
(working #str-tmpclean)
(run ("\"%s\" \"%s\" ALL QUIET" #delete (tackon #tmpdir "#?")) (safe))
(delete #tmpdir (safe))
(makeassign #floppyassign (safe))
; Main body of installer (the mess ;)
(welcome "")
; ask questions and prepare to install
(set #tofloppy
(prompt #str-installtype)
(default 0)
(choices #str-hd #str-floppy)
(help (cat #str-help-installtype "\n\n" @askchoice-help))
(if (NOT
(prompt (if #tofloppy #str-floppyconfirm #str-hdconfirm))
(default 0)
(help "")
(exit (quiet))
(onerror (P_CleanUp))
(if (OR #packed #tofloppy)
(set #tmpstorage
(if (= 2 @user-level)
(prompt (#str-tmpstorage #tmpdir))
(help @askdir-help)
(default "RAM:")
(set #tmpdir (tackon #tmpstorage #tmpdir))
(if #tofloppy
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "C:Delete")
(dest #tmpdir)
(set #delete (tackon #tmpdir "Delete"))
(if #fromfloppy
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (if (< #OSVersion 36) "C:Install13" "C:Install"))
(dest #tmpdir)
(newname "Install")
(if (AND #fromfloppy (NOT @installer-version))
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "C:Relabel")
(dest #tmpdir)
(message #str-diskwarn)
(until #valid
(set #drive
(prompt #str-selectfloppydrive)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices ("DF0: (%s)" #str-intdrive) "DF1:" "DF2:" "DF3:")
(default 0)
(set #valid (exists ("DF%ld:" #drive) (noreq)))
(message (#str-diskinsertnew #drive))
(working #str-prepdisk)
(set #oldname (getassign ("DF%ld" #drive) "d"))
; old versions of installer didn't recoginize disk param!
(if @installer-version
(rename #oldname "F1GP-Ed" (disk) (safe))
(if #fromfloppy
(run ("\"%s\" \"%s\" F1GP-Ed" (tackon #tmpdir "Relabel") #oldname) (safe))
(delete (tackon #tmpdir "Relabel") (safe))
(run ("C:Relabel \"%s\" F1GP-Ed" #oldname) (safe))
(if #fromfloppy
(run ("\"%s\" DF%ld:" (tackon #tmpdir "Install") #drive))
(delete (tackon #tmpdir "Install"))
(if (exists "C:Install")
(run ("C:Install DF%ld:" #drive))
(makeassign #floppyassign ("DF%ld:" #drive) (safe))
(run ("\"%s\" %s:#? ALL QUIET" #delete #floppyassign))
(message (cat (#str-diskremove #str-diskrename1) " " #str-diskanydrive))
(set #destdir ("%s:" #floppyassign))
(set @default-dest #destdir)
; else
(set #delete "C:Delete")
(set #destdir
(prompt #str-hdwhere)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest (tackon #destdir "F1GP-Ed"))
(if (= 1 (exists @default-dest))
(message #str-fileexists)
(exit (quiet))
(if (exists @default-dest)
(if (askbool
(prompt #str-drawerexists)
(default 0)
(help "")
(choices #str-renamedrawer #str-replacedrawer)
(rename @default-dest (cat @default-dest "_OLD"))
(rename (cat @default-dest ".info") (cat @default-dest "_OLD.info"))
(if (NOT (exists @default-dest))
(makedir @default-dest (infos))
(if #fromfloppy
(set #unpackdir (tackon #tmpdir "files"))
(set #srcdir (if (AND #tofloppy (NOT #lowmem)) #tmpdir ""))
(set #diskdir (if #tofloppy #unpackdir ""))
(set #srcdir "/")
(set #unpackdir #srcdir)
(set #diskdir #srcdir)
(set #frenchdocexists (exists (tackon #srcdir "Docs/F1GP-Ed_français.guide")))
(set #n 0)
(set #defhelp 0)
(if (= #envlanguage "deutsch")
(set #defhelp 1)
(if (AND (= #envlanguage "français") #frenchdocexists)
(set #defhelp 2)
(set #whichdocs
(prompt #str-whichdocs)
(help @askoptions-help)
(if #frenchdocexists (choices "English" "Deutsch" "Français") (choices "English" "Deutsch"))
(default (shiftleft 1 #defhelp))
(set #n 0)
(set #count 0)
(set #single 0)
(while (< #n #numhelplanguages)
(if (IN #whichdocs #n)
(set #count (+ #count 1))
(set #single #n)
(set #n (+ #n 1))
(if (> #count 1)
(set #help-language
(prompt #str-helplanguage)
(help (cat #str-help-helplanguage "\n\n" @askchoice-help))
(if #frenchdocexists (choices "English" "Deutsch" "Français") (choices "English" "Deutsch"))
(default #defhelp)
(set #help-language #single)
(set #helpfile
("Docs/F1GP-Ed_%s.guide" (select #help-language "english" "deutsch" "français"))
(if (>= #OSVersion 36)
(set #helpfile (cat "PROGDIR:" #helpfile))
(if (>= #OSVersion 36)
(set #whichcatalogs
(prompt #str-whichcatalogs)
(help (cat #str-help-whichcatalogs "\n\n" @askoptions-help))
(choices "ÃeÓtina" "dansk" "deutsch" "español" "français" "greek"
"italiano" "nederlands" "norsk" "suomi" "svenska")
(default #defcatalog)
(set #whichcatalogs 0)
(set #opts
(prompt #str-confirmoptional)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices (#str-seasondata 1997)
(#str-seasondata 1996)
(#str-seasondata 1995)
(#str-seasondata 1994)
(#str-soundfiles "Sound")
(#str-gfxfiles "Graphics")
(#str-extrafiles "Extras")
(default 127)
(if (AND #fromfloppy #tofloppy)
(if (NOT #lowmem)
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "F1GP-Ed.lzx")
(dest #tmpdir)
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "C/UNLZX")
(dest #tmpdir)
(set #lzx (tackon #tmpdir "UNLZX"))
(set #lzx "C/UNLZX")
(complete 0)
; install libs
(if #tofloppy
(set #libdir ("%s:Libs" #floppyassign))
(set #libdir "LIBS:")
(if (< #OSVersion 36)
(set #extract "Libs/f1gp.l#? Libs/gad#? Libs/reqt#?")
(set #extract "Libs/f1gp.library Libs/reqtools.library")
(prompt (#str-update "f1gp.library"))
(source (tackon #unpackdir "Libs/f1gp.library"))
(dest #libdir)
(help @copylib-help)
(complete 3)
(if (< #OSVersion 36)
( (set #ReqToolsSource "Libs/reqtools.library")
(prompt (#str-update "gadtools13.library"))
(source (tackon #unpackdir "Libs/gadtools13.library"))
(dest #libdir)
(help @copylib-help)
( (set #ReqToolsSource "Libs/reqtools.library")
(set #asllib (tackon #libdir "asl.library"))
(if (exists #asllib)
( (set #aslver (/ (getversion #asllib) 65536))
(if (>= #aslver 38)
(set #ReqToolsSource "")
(if #ReqToolsSource
(prompt (#str-update "reqtools.library"))
(source (tackon #unpackdir #ReqToolsSource))
(dest #libdir)
(help @copylib-help)
(newname "reqtools.library")
(complete 10)
; install F1GP-Ed drawer
(set #extract "F1GP-Ed F1GP-Ed.info Docs.info")
(prompt (#str-update #str-exe))
(source (tackon #unpackdir "F1GP-Ed"))
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copylib-help)
(complete 25)
(source (tackon #unpackdir "Docs.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set #n 0)
(while (< #n #numhelplanguages)
(if (IN #whichdocs #n)
(set #docfilename ("Docs/F1GP-Ed_%s.guide" (select #n "english" "deutsch" "français")))
(set #extract (cat #docfilename "#?"))
(if (exists (tackon #unpackdir #docfilename))
(source (tackon #unpackdir #docfilename))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Docs"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set #n (+ #n 1))
(complete 40)
(set #extract "History.txt#? Reg_Form#?")
(prompt (#str-copy @default-dest))
(source #unpackdir)
(choices "History.txt" "Reg_Form")
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 50)
; copy optional files
(if (OR (OR (OR (IN #opts 0) (IN #opts 1)) (IN #opts 2)) (IN #opts 3))
(set #extract "199?.f1gp#?")
(set #n 0)
(while (< #n 4)
(if (IN #opts #n)
(set #filename (select #n "1997.f1gp" "1996.f1gp" "1995.f1gp" "1994.f1gp"))
(source (tackon #unpackdir #filename))
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set #filename (cat (tackon #unpackdir #filename) ".events"))
(if (exists #filename)
(source #filename)
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set #n (+ #n 1))
(complete 60)
; copy optional dirs
(set #n 4)
(while (< #n 7)
(if (IN #opts #n)
(set #filename (select (- #n 4) "Sound" "Graphics" "Extras"))
(set #extract (cat #filename "/#? " #filename ".info"))
(source (tackon #unpackdir (cat #filename ".info")))
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon #unpackdir #filename))
(dest (tackon @default-dest #filename))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set #n (+ #n 1))
(if (IN #opts 7)
(prompt #str-iconfix)
(setdefaulttool "Installer")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Extras/Install_F1GP"))
(complete 75)
(if (>= #OSVersion 36)
(set #newdir (tackon @default-dest "Catalogs"))
(if (NOT (exists #newdir))
(makedir #newdir)
(set #extract "Catalogs/#? Catalogs.info")
(source (tackon #unpackdir "Catalogs.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set #dest (tackon @default-dest "Catalogs"))
(prompt (#str-copy #dest))
(source (tackon #unpackdir "Catalogs/NewCatalog.ct"))
(dest #dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 77)
(set #n 0)
(while (< #n #numcatalogs)
(if (IN #whichcatalogs #n)
(set #filename ("Catalogs/%s/F1GP-Ed.catalog" (select #n "ÃeÓtina" "dansk" "deutsch" "español" "français" "greek" "italiano" "nederlands" "norsk" "suomi" "svenska")))
(source (tackon #unpackdir #filename))
(dest (tackon @default-dest (pathonly #filename)))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set #n (+ #n 1))
(complete 82)
(if (AND #fromfloppy #tofloppy)
(if (exists "F1GP-Ed.key")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "F1GP-Ed.key")
(dest #unpackdir)
(if (exists "Registered.guide")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Registered.guide")
(dest #unpackdir)
(if (exists (tackon #diskdir "F1GP-Ed.key"))
(prompt (#str-copy @default-dest))
(source (tackon #diskdir "F1GP-Ed.key"))
(dest @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set #dest (tackon @default-dest "Docs"))
(if (exists (tackon #diskdir "Registered.guide"))
(prompt (#str-copy #dest))
(source (tackon #diskdir "Registered.guide"))
(dest #dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(if (AND #fromfloppy #tofloppy)
(complete 87)
(working #str-iconfix)
(prompt #str-iconfix)
(settooltype "HELPFILE" #helpfile)
(dest (tackon @default-dest "F1GP-Ed"))
(if (AND #tofloppy #fromfloppy)
(set #TextTool "F1GP-Ed:C/AmigaGuide")
(set #n 0)
(while (set #TextFile
(select #n
(set #TextFile (tackon @default-dest #TextFile))
(set #n (+ #n 1))
(complete 90)
; install files for autoboot disk
(if (AND #tofloppy #fromfloppy)
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "C")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "C"))
(choices "AmigaGuide" "GOWB" "PPLoadSeg" "Type")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Libs")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "Libs"))
(choices "amigaguide.library.pp" "powerpacker.library" "iffparse.library.pp")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "S/disk.startup-sequence")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "S"))
(newname "Startup-Sequence")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "S/disk.text")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "S"))
(newname "text")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "system-configuration")
(dest #unpackdir)
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "S/Disk.info")
(dest #unpackdir)
(if (< #OSVersion 36)
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "C")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "C"))
(choices "Echo" "Else" "EndIf"
"If" "Run")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "C/Assign13")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "C"))
(newname "Assign")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "C/SetPatch13")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "C"))
(newname "SetPatch")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Libs")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "Libs"))
(choices "icon.library.pp")
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "L")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "L"))
(prompt #str-tmpcopy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "C")
(dest (tackon #unpackdir "C"))
(choices "Assign" "SetPatch")
(prompt #str-floppyextras)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source #unpackdir)
(dest @default-dest)
(complete 99)
(complete 100)
(exit (cat (if (AND #fromfloppy #tofloppy) #str-bootfloppyend "")
"Oliver Roberts (Oliver@POBoxes.com)"))